This stump always has a few good ones at the end of the drift! Wrangler Savanna and guide @stokkechuck are trying to find one of them! Who is READY to be on this water???

Come see us outside @theflyfishingshow and book your trip! The summer is filling up fast and we want to be packing YOU in this summer! #pleasanton

Who’s ready for a ride on a good ole mountain bronc? Kidding, our horses rarely ever get out of first gear on the trail and we save the frisky ones for the wranglers anyway 😎

Steve’s Dutch Oven pot roast with dumplings, slow cooked over a fire all afternoon. Ask us about our menu! But don’t count on losing weight on this trip!

ATTN LADIES: Still haven’t gotten your man a Christmas gift? Does he not like any of the clothes you buy him? Don’t want to get him another drill from Home Depot like last year? Does he already own every grilling/barbequeing (don’t spell check that) accoutrement known to dad? WELL, consider gifting him an all inclusive #flyfishing or #hunting packtrip where he will be carried in by horseback and lavishly fed and taken care of like the princess he is, all while fishing or hunting in the most beautiful spot on earth (this is proven fact.) Think about it ladies, he will owe you big. 😎 📹: Generations Photography

The tried-and-true grain bag trick. Works every time, 90% of the time! GTWP horses could find a grain bag blindfolded, which works to our advantage on the trail!

Excuse our absence! We had our busiest-ever season and are gearing up for another great one in 2020! Start planning your #fishing or #hunting trip with us today! 📹: Generations Photography and 🎬by @chuckstokke